Saturday 9 July 2011

Need To Know About Google+

Everything You Need To Know About Google+ 


"Circles" groups your friends together


Google Circles are groups of friends you organize by topic: Friends, Family, College Buddies, Roommates, etc.
From your Circles page you drag and drop your contacts into each of these groups, which makes it easier to share what you want with them.

Sparks helps you find interesting content based on interest

Sparks helps you find interesting content based on interest

Sparks is like Google Reader, except it brings content to you automatically based on your interests. Each topic (tech, kitties, whatever) will get its own "Spark" page and provide links to related articles, videos, photos, etc.

Hangouts lets you video chat with all your buddies


Hangouts lets you video chat with all your buddies

Hangouts are virtual rooms where you can video chat with people in your circles. For example, if you're not busy, you can start a talk with your pals.
So, basically, it's just video chat.

Huddles is a new group messaging app


Huddles is a new group messaging app

Huddles is group messaging for people within your Circles. There's a mobile app available for Android now that lets you send messages from your phone. Select your group, and everyone can chat with each other.

Instant Upload shares your mobile photos


Instant Upload shares your mobile photos

This one's simple. When you snap a photo on your Android phone, it's automatically uploaded to Google+.

How do you get to Google+?

How do you get to Google+?

So how do you access Google+? You know that handy toolbar at the top of your screen when you're logged into Google? That's changing.
Soon, it will turn into a transparent gray bar with a "+You" button that will be your portal to all the features we just mentioned.

Google+ for Android will let you do all of this from your phone


Google+ for Android will let you do all of this from your phone

Google+ is on Android too. Once you receive your Google+ invite, you can download the app here. It includes a Twitter-like "stream" of updates from your friends.

How do you get it?
How do you get it?

Google+ is invite-only right now. You can visit the Google+ home page to request one.
Eventually, everyone with a Google account will be phased in to the program. When you log in you'll see the +You button as pictured here.


What is Google Plus

Did you heard about Google plus?If not,the one word which is going to sound on following days is Google plus.
Google Plus is a new social network from the Family of Google.Google is now answered the question “Facebook is there Why we need Another social network?”.The answer is in the form of Google Plus .Yeah, Google Plus utilizes the all the draw backs of Facebook and going to launch the full version soon.
What are the things you are in Facebook is available in Google Plus with higher security.Google + is rich with the graphic interface.

Most of us left Orkut due to its loading time,But you never leave Google+ due to the same reason.Google made a special care on loading time makes Google+ a perfect one.
Google+ having video chat option,there up to 25 friends can chat at a time.Also the text chat is avail with it.Not like Facebook’s dim chat.
Google Plus is collection of circles.Where you can create your own circles to share your thoughts.Google also take a step in the security which beats Facebook.
In the Following days the Google plus becomes the Coffin of Facebook…Mark Zukerberg has to work hard to keep peoples with Facebook.

Google Plus is now running as trial one you can access it by following .Make your circles and share your thoughts with higher security and with more Fun.
Anyway I think Facebook will become an another Orkut…
More tricks and tips about Google +1 social network will available in Future posts.

Friday 8 July 2011

How Easy To Lose Weight And Body Fat?

Steps to easy weight loss

There are many things we can do every day to help us lose fat and help us slim down or maintain our weight easily. These actions and actitivities which will help us gradually but easily lose fat fast and lose weight quickly may seem like common sense to many of us, but do we actually do them? If not, here are reminders on what you can do lose fat quickly and easily through everyday activities.

  • Avoid All Sugary Drinks
Drink plenty of plain water instead. Do you know that that cube of sugar and milk in your coffee or tea or that can of soda you you have just drank contains a whopping 80 to 150 calories? These calories if not used up will convert to fat and stored as your body fat. You will lose 1-2 pounds a month by just abstaining from sugary drinks if you are a regular consumer of such beverages.

  • Eat More Regularly To Lose Fat                                                                                                                                  By eating smaller meals more often, you are burning fat throughout the day because your digestive system is working all day long. It takes energy to keep digesting food and these energy comes from your body fat store. There are many more reasons why eating regularly will help you lose weight. So eat 5-6 small meals a day.

  • Be Active
Because if you are not active and not doing anything, you may just reach out for food to kill boredom. Just like you naturally head for the fridge during a TV commercial break or having that hotdog or popcorn with a can of soda with you whenever you are in the movies. Want to lose fat fast? Then keep moving and be active. By constantly moving, you are burning fat as well.

  • Get Rid Of Junk Food From Your Fridge
    So that you won't reach out to these sin food when you are bored or when you are watching TV. Simple but logical easy weight loss common sense isn't it?

  • Eat Slowly To Lose Weight
    During a meal, our brain takes about 20 minutes to signal that we are full. So if you eat too fast, you would have stuffed in a lot of food before your brain can signal to you that your stomach is full. So how to lose weight when you over eat? Not to eat slowly can only derail your lose weight fast program.
  • No Brainer Activities To Lose Fat Fast
    Walk briskly. It will elevate your heart rate and burn more fat. Walk instead of taking transportation to nearby destinations. Take the stairs, avoid the lifts and escalator. Walk and climb the stairs instead. The faster you walk, the more fat you will lose. The more you use the stairs the faster your weight will come off.

    If you will incoporate all these healthy lifestyle habits into your daily life, you could be dropping as much as 10-15 pounds per year. You lose weight fast just by doing these daily activities conciously. Now what if you are to include exercises into your activities? You will certainly lose fat fast if you add exercises to these activities.Whoever said that it is difficult to lose weight quickly apparently did not know what they are talking about. Now you know that it is easy to
    lose weight healthily, then get on with it.

    So if you want to know how to scuplt your body and own an attractive and desirable body shape, grab my Burn Fat Build Muscles Fast! ebooks now at , this will be a decision that will change your life for you will be enjoying a healthy and fit body and your face glowing with excellent health. Don't let your body shape be the butt of jokes ever again.

You’ve Got a Friend

Success & Abundance

You’ve Got a Friend

Sharing experiences, looking within.

You’ve Got a Friend - Louise Hay

Affirmations for lasting friendships.
Friends can be an extension or a substitute for the nuclear family. There is a great need in most of us to share life experiences with others. Not only do we learn more about others when we engage in friendship, but we can also learn more about ourselves.
Relationships are mirrors of ourselves. What we attract always mirrors either qualities we have or beliefs we have about relationships. The things we don’t like about our friends are either reflections of what we do or what we believe. We could not attract such people if the way they are didn’t somehow complement our own lives.
When the bond between friends becomes strained, we can look to the negative messages of childhood to understand why. For instance, if we have a friend who is undependable and lets us down, we need to turn within. We need to see where we are undependable and when we let others down. Then, we need to perform a mental housecleaning, removing the negative messages and learning to accept ourselves so that we can accept others.
It’s pointless to run around trying to heal all of our friends. We cannot force others to change. We can offer them a positive mental atmosphere where they have the possibility to change if they wish, but we cannot do it for or to other people. Each person is here to work out his or her own lessons, and if we fix it for them, then they will just go and do it again, because they have not worked out what they needed to do for themselves.
All we can do is love them and allow them to be who they are.
 Here are some affirmations for strengthening friendships:

I love and accept myself, and I am a magnet for friends.
I trust myself, I trust life, and I trust my friends.
Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.
Even if I make a mistake, my friends help me through.
My love and acceptance of others creates lasting friendships.

Get Clean and Lean

Get Healthy

Get Clean and Lean

Start a love-centered diet.

Brad Lamm Get Clean and Lean

By Brad Lamm

How to honor the body you’re in.

Too often, we take our physical bodies for granted. We fill them with wholly unsuitable foods in wholly unsuitable amounts. We punish our bodies by neglecting their needs, usually until it’s too late and we’re forced into a different way of life because of poor health, rickety self-esteem, or yet another set of clothes we’ve outgrown.

Once I got “clean and lean,” I started to see the human body for what it really is: an amazing and intelligent creation that we need to love and respect. I had this wonderful, capable body, but I was wasting it in a gradual decline at a young age! I wanted to feel more alive and more energetic. I wanted a healthier heart, thicker hair, and stronger muscles. I wanted stamina in life and the bedroom. I knew the only way to achieve those things on the outside depended almost entirely on what I put in the inside. I knew I had to give my body more love.

One of the best ways to do this is through food—natural, wholesome foods, not artery-clogging junk or sugary foods that pack on weight. Why is this important? Because your body uses pure, natural food much more efficiently than it uses processed, chemical-laden food, such as refined cereals, commercially baked goods, or fat-, sugar-, and additive-loaded snacks—or even the unhealthy fat-free foods that have jacked up sugar content. Pure food is bursting with quality nutrition, put to use in building and healing the body.

And so, Step 1 is about taking care of, and loving your body, with nutritious food—which is why I call my food plan the Love-Centered Diet in my book Just 10 Lbs.

There are actually two parts to the Love-Centered Diet:

First, learn how to eat according to your personal style. Many of us are inclined to eat in a great rush, or in response to negative emotions, cravings, or deeply ingrained bad habits. Those are ruts we’ve got to get out of to get our weight under control. This part gets your head in the game by giving you strategies that match your personal style of eating.

Second, follow the Love-Centered food plan. It helps you transition from eating the typical American meat-heavy, sugar-laden, low-fiber fare to consuming naturally delicious, slimming, body-honoring foods. This is a sensible diet that gets results. Expect to lose weight right away, and up to two pounds for each additional week that you stay with the plan. My brother Scott lost 16 pounds the first month on this plan, and I’ve had clients lose that and more. The point is, you eat differently and fall into the plan we’ll work on together, and the weight will fall off. Stick with it thirty days and you’ll be 10 pounds lighter or more.

Also, on the Love-Centered Diet, you’ll feel better, and you’ll be more at peace with yourself. As you follow this plan, try to remember to love yourself—body and mind—for the whole, multifaceted person you are. You’re not just a body, but when you love your body for what it is, rather than hate it for what it’s not, you’ll take care of it—and the pounds will come off effortlessly.

The Power of Touching

The Power of Touching

Extending happiness can be as simple as a touch of affection. Have you felt what it’s like to be in the loving arms of the people you love? Don’t you feel happy and assured by the caress of your special someone? I’m sure you do, especially when you are at your most vulnerable.

I read that an insurance company survey revealed that spouses who kiss their mates in the morning will probably live five years longer than those who don’t. It also showed that the kissing mate will have fewer auto accidents and up to 50% less time lost from work due to illness. I won’t begin to interpret what all this means, except that it seems that those people in intimate relationships seem to be happier and healthier.
But what about that “touching moment” — that kiss? Is touch also important?
I once was asked to give some emotional support to a prisoner who was awaiting trial. We visited for a while in a prison conference room, talking about nothing more important than how long he may be incarcerated and whether or not he was guilty of the crime with which he was charged. He shared nothing of his deepest fears and yearnings. I felt as if we had not “connected” in any meaningful way.
Before I left, I took his hands. He held on tightly and dropped his head. No words were spoken — we just held onto each other. After a moment, he began to cry. As he sobbed, he held tightly to my hands. Somehow, the touch melted a dam of ice and now all his emotions gushed forth.
When his sobbing subsided, he began to talk once more. Only this time he spoke of his fear and loneliness and he told me of his concern for his family while he was imprisoned. All the while, he never let go of my hands, and I hung onto his. Because of the touch, he felt safe enough to share deeply.
touchPeople are crying out to be touched in caring and appropriate ways. (I know a woman who goes to a massage therapist once a week, even when she feels fine, just because she needs that dose of physical contact.) The lack of touch is one of the greatest impediments to emotional intimacy and happiness.
When film star Marilyn Monroe was asked if she ever felt loved by any of the foster families with whom she lived, she replied, “Once, when I was about seven or eight. The woman I was living with was putting on makeup, and I was watching her. She was in a happy mood, so she reached over and patted my cheeks with her rouge puff…. For that moment, I felt loved by her.”
P.S. “One touch is worth ten thousand words.” ~ Harold Bloomfield
lee-agnesMaybe what we needing, are simply more closeness. And perhaps you know of those who need assurance that they are indeed loved; they are not alone.
If you don’t share this, it’s perfectly okay and thank you for reading. But if you do share, your touch may accomplish what your words cannot — for those touching moments can change a life.  Remember that touch has hidden power, and it’s one of the longing of every person.
Have a nice day everyone.
agnes signature
Lee Agnes

How to tak care lips......

 Bear in mind that frequent licking of the lips also causes dry lips. If you have the habit, stop licking or wetting lips with tongue, instead apply lip balm or a lip moisturizer.
With a little loving care, your lips can be perfect in no time. Here are some quick tips:


• Apply lip balm or petroleum jelly on the lips to keep them smooth.
• Keep the body hydrate by drinking lots of water. People who do not drink sufficient water are more prone to get dry lips and dry skin. Water or fluids keep the body moist which keeps the skin soft and supple.

• Excessive use of lipsticks on the lips too makes them dark and dry. At times let them breathe without putting anything on them. Before applying lip color apply some lip balm or moisturizer on your lips to keep them moist.
• Use a multivitamin supplement daily as chapped lips could indicate a nutritional deficiency.

• Avoid caffeine and alcohol which are major tissue dehydrators.
• Add humidifier(s) to your home. Lips, hair, nails and skin all thrive in humidified air.

  Chapped lips are a very common problem. They become red, chapped and painful when dry. There are many causes to dry and chapped lips. Lack of water in the body makes the lips dry. Some medicines do have side effects on the skin, which causes cracks in the lips. Lack of vitamins and nutrition in the diet also affects the softness of the lips. At times cold dry air makes the skin dry and cracked.

Health Benefits Eating Fruits & Veggies

Health Benefits Eating Fruits & Veggies

Free WallPaper redfuits

Fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest and best tasting foods. They are low in sodium and calories, and most are fat free. Reach for blue, purple, green, white, yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables for your meals and snacks. They help your body get the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other natural substances it needs to stay healthy.
Here’s a list to name a few:

-          Protects your heart
-          Prevents constipation
-          Blocks diarrhea
-          Improves lung capacity
-          Cushions joints
-          Combats cancer
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Saves your eyesight
-          Shields against Alzheimer’s
-          Slows aging process
-          Aids digestion
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Protects your heart
-          Stabilizes blood sugar
-          Guards against liver disease
-          Battles diabetes
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Smoothes skin
-          Protects your heart
-          Quiets a cough
-          Strengthens bones
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Blocks diarrhea
-          Prevents constipation
-          Helps hemorrhoids
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats cancer
-          Stabilizes blood sugar
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Combats cancer
-          Strengthens bones
-          Protects your heart
-          Aids weight loss
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Stabilizes blood sugar
-          Boosts memory
-          Prevents constipation
-          Strengthens bones
-          Saves eyesight
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Combats cancer
-          Prevents constipation
-          Promotes weight loss
-          Protects your heart
-          Helps hemorrhoids
-          Saves eyesight
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats cancer
-          Supports immune system
-          Saves eyesight
-          Protects your heart
-          Prevents constipation
-          Combats cancer
-          Promotes weight loss
-          Protects against Prostate Cancer
-          Combats Breast Cancer
-          Strengthens bones
-          Banishes bruises
-          Guards against heart disease
-          Protects your heart
-          Combats Cancer
-          Ends insomnia
-          Slows aging process
-          Shields against Alzheimer’s
-          Promotes weight loss
-          Protects your heart
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats Cancer
-          Controls blood pressure
Chili Peppers
-          Aids digestion
-          Soothes sore throat
-          Clears sinuses
-          Combats Cancer
-          Boosts immune system
-          Promotes weight loss
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats Cancer
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Protects your heart
-          Boosts memory
-          Protects your heart
-          Combats Cancer
-          Supports immune system
-          Aids digestion
-          Battles diabetes
-          Protects your heart
-          Improves mental health
-          Boosts immune system
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Combats cancer
-          kills bacteria
-          Fights fungus
-          Protects against heart attacks
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Combats Prostate Cancer
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Saves eyesight
-          Conquers kidney stones
-          Combats cancer
-          Enhances blood flow
-          Protects your heart
Green Tea
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Kills bacteria
-          Heals wounds
-          Aids digestion
-          Guards against ulcers
-          Increases energy
-          Fights allergies
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Smoothes skin
-          Stops scurvy
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Smoothes skin
-          Stops scurvy
-          Combats cancer
-          Boosts memory
-          Regulates thyroid
-          Aids digestion
-          Shields against Alzheimer’s
-          Controls blood pressure
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Kills bacteria
-          Combats cancer
-          Strengthens bones
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats cancer
-          Battles diabetes
-          Prevents constipation
-          Smoothes skin
Olive Oil
-          Protects your heart
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Combats cancer
-          Battles diabetes
-          Smoothes skin
-          Reduce risk of heart attack
-          Combats cancer
-          Kills bacteria
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Fights fungus
-          Supports immune systems
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Straightens respiration
-          Prevents constipation
-          Combats cancer
-          Helps stops strokes
-          aids digestion
-          Helps hemorrhoids
-          Protects against heart disease
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Combats Prostate Cancer
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Aggravates diverticulitis
-          Strengthens bones
-          Relieves colds
-          Aids digestion
-          Dissolves warts
-          Blocks diarrhea
-          Slows aging process
-          Prevents constipation
-          Boosts memory
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Protects against heart disease
-          Protects your heart
-          Battles diabetes
-          Conquers kidney stones
-          Combats cancer
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Combats cancer
-          Protects your heart
-          Boosts memory
-          Calms stress
Sweet Potatoes
-          Saves your eyesight
-          Lifts mood
-          Combats cancer
-          Strengthens bones
-          Protects prostate
-          Combats cancer
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Protects your heart
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Combats cancer
-          Boosts memory
-          Lifts mood
-          Protects against heart disease
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Combats cancer
-          Conquers kidney stones
-          Smoothes skin
-          Protects prostate
-          Promotes Weight loss
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Controls blood pressure
Wheat Germ
-          Combats Colon Cancer
-          Prevents constipation
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Prevents strokes
-          Improves digestion
Wheat Bran
-          Combats Colon Cancer
-          Prevents constipation
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Helps stops strokes
-          Improves digestion
-          Guards against ulcers
-          Strengthens bones
-          Lowers cholesterol
-          Supports immune systems
-          Aids digestion

6 Tips to Boost Mood and Metabolism

Here are six simple tips to help you optimize your diet to boost mood and metabolism.
1. Resist Skipping Meals
Skipping or missing a meal can cause a dip in your blood sugar, leading to crankiness and lethargy. Maintain your blood sugar levels, and your energy, by eating small amounts of food throughout the day. You might even prefer eating six smaller meals rather than three large ones. 

2. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can also make you feel sluggish and lethargic. Be sure to drink throughout the day, and don’t rely on thirst alone to remind you to have another glass of water. The average person needs about eight glasses of water, and that may be hard to drink without reminders. 

3. Think Moderation, Especially for Low-Nutrient Foods
Avoid a lot of caffeine, refined carbohydrates (sugar), alcohol, salt, and other food additives. Any of these, especially in large amounts, can decrease your metabolic efficiency. “Eating large quantities of carbohydrates tend to cause an energy rush and then a big crash; this can lead to crankiness and fatigue," says Heidi McIndoo, MS, RD, a nutrition consultant in Roslindale, Mass. Excess salt can disrupt your fluid balance, changing your daily water needs, not to mention increasing health risks like high blood pressure.
4. Strive for Balance in the Food You Eat
Properly combine protein, carbohydrates, and fat to achieve a balanced energy intake. In general, a healthy diet includes a mix of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and some protein, but each person has individual needs based on age, sex, physical activity level, body size, and stress factors. To find out the best foods for you, consult a nutritionist who can help you determine the right balance. 

5. Get a Boost From “Good Mood” Food
While research about the mood- and metabolism-boosting qualities of certain foods is mixed, foods high in the amino acid tryptophan can increase serotonin levels in the brain, contributing to feelings of optimism and calm. Add some bananas, avocados, dried apricots, walnuts, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds for some extra tryptophan. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fats help elevate mood and reduce anxiety and depression. Look for omega-3-rich fish, like salmon and mackerel; walnuts and pumpkin seeds are also sources of these healthy fatty acids

6. Keep a Food Diary
Some foods can have the opposite effect of tryptophan and instead trigger negative changes in mood and cause irritability or headaches. If you think a particular food might be affecting your mood, start a food diary. Record all the foods you eat each day and how you feel before and after every meal. After two weeks, review your entries to see if any foods line up with specific moods, either good or bad.
In addition to following a healthy diet, regular exercise will keep your body working most effectively and will augment both your mood and metabolism. The key message here is balance. A variety of healthy foods with a dose of exercise will help you maintain your energy, speed up your metabolism, and boost your mood.

cooking your food helps you lose weight?

Did you know that cooking your food (especially breakfast) helps you lose weight?
Research says that we make our healthiest food choices in the morning and if we eat healthy in the morning, chances are we will eat healthy through out the day.



Recent study shows that you can eat potatoes and it could help you lose weight! The study shows that foods with resistant starch helps you slim down and improve digestion by resisting immediate digestion, thus keeping you full – the same way, fiber would. This kind of starch is found in legumes (beans are a great source), potatoes, barley, brown rice, corn and other unprocessed whle grains (in their natural form)

Eat ALMONDS to lose weight and to keep your Heart Healthy!!!

Eat ALMONDS to lose weight and to keep your Heart Healthy!!!

Studies show that Supplementation with almonds, in contrast to complex carbohydrates, IS associated with greater reductions in weight and WAISTLINE!!!
Another study from as far back as 2002 showed that almonds used as snacks could significantly reduce coronary heart disease risk factors, probably because of the healthy components of the nut :)



Studies by the London College University show that working more than 8 hours a day is sure to result in a massive heart attack way before you expect!!!

The 10 Best Breakup Songs

To get over a bad breakup, there’s nothing much better than belting out the lyrics of a great breakup ballad. Songs about splits can rouse a good cry (for that much-needed cathartic release) or fire you up to get out and move on. Sure, the post-breakup state-of-mind includes loneliness, distress, and grief — but research shows that your emotional health can be quickly restored if you are able to put a positive spin on your split. And that’s where songsters such as Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and Nancy Sinatra come in. Upload these 10 breakup songs to your iPod — and sing them loud!

1.'Forget You'

Cee Lo Green’s rock-out tune F*@k You (which he co-wrote with Bruno Mars and Phillip Lawrence) — or its radio-friendly counterpart, Forget You — scaled to the No. 1 spot of Billboard’s Top 40 list in April, probably because so many Americans can relate to getting dumped for someone else. Once the cleaned-up song hit the airwaves, people everywhere were belting out lyrics like “I pity the fool who falls in love with you” — including Gwyneth Paltrow on a Glee guest appearance.If your sweetheart recently flew the coop, this explicative-ridden ditty may help you forget her faster.

 2.'Go Your Own Way'
                             If Fleetwood Mac’s Go Your Own Way speaks to you, it’s because it was inspired by a real split: Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham penned the song after his breakup with band mate Stevie Nicks. The tune came out in 1977, but when it comes to breakup songs, this one has stood the test of time. In fact, the song’s cathartic lyrics may help you gain perspective on your own bad breakup: You, too, can “go your own way” and begin to stand on two feet.
3.'I Will Survive'
                                The Gloria Gaynor single I Will Survive reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1979 — but the disco favorite is still a top breakup ballad. The song, written by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris, tells the story of a woman who starts out feeling alone (and petrified) after her breakup, but gradually gets stronger as her self-confidence returns. The driving beat and rousing lyrics are sure to get you out of a breakup funk.

4.'All by Myself'
                       There’s nothing wrong with indulging in a little self-pity after a bad breakup, and few songs set as mournful a mood as Eric Carmen’s All by Myself — a 1975 classic that’s been covered by everyone from Celine Dion to Charice on TV’s Glee. Jamie O’Neal also sang it in the movie Bridget Jones's Diary, when an over-served Bridget (played by Renee Zellweger) is alone on New Year’s Eve. In the breakup anthem, Carmen regrets his carefree attitude toward sex and relationships (which has left him alone and miserable). Perhaps you can imagine your own ex realizing the error of his ways one day.

5.'I Wanna Be Around'
                                Misery loves company, and that’s why the song I Wanna Be Around may be one of the best breakup tunes of all time. The song was released in 1963 by the great Tony Bennett (and written by the equally great Johnny Mercer). It starts off sweet: "I want to be around to pick up the pieces when somebody breaks your heart." Ultimately, though, Bennett reveals that what goes around comes around, ending with the words “like you broke mine.” If you need a little companionship after your split, there’s no one better than Bennett, who’s still crooning this standard nearly 50 years later.

6.'It Ain't Me, Babe'
                                Feel like you’ve taken the blame for a bad breakup one too many times? Next time, tell your ex to take a clue from Bob Dylan. The message behind his song It Ain't Me, Babe, written and released in 1964, is a deep self-realization that he’s not right for the person he’s involved with. Remember: Going through the throes of a breakup now is better for your emotional health than holding on to a toxic relationship that won’t ever really satisfy you.

7.'50 Ways to Leave Your Lover'
                                     The best breakup strategy? It may just be to rip off a bad relationship like an old Band-Aid (and get yourself free). That's what Paul Simon sang about after divorcing his first wife back in 1975. The up-tempo breakup number, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, is still Simon's biggest selling solo hit, and it’s complete with plenty of suggestions for splitting up.

8.'You Oughta Know'
                               Sometimes, the best way to get over a breakup is to vent (and vent loud). Alanis Morissette co-wrote the Grammy-winning song You Oughta Know with Glen Ballard in 1995, and it was the first of many chart toppers from Morissette’s emotionally-charged album Jagged Little Pill. Through her lyrics, Morissette takes the opportunity to let her ex-lover know about the mess he left behind. If you have some unresolved anger you need to unleash, this is your song.

9.'These Boots Are Made for Walkin''
                                           Nancy Sinatra’s feminist anthem makes it known that she’s not going to take any more abuse from a guy who’s being unfaithful to her. Singer and producer Lee Hazlewood wrote the song in 1966 for himself, but realized it would be more powerful sung by a woman. Released at the start of the women’s liberation movement, this breakup song remains inspirational even today, over four decades later.

                           Call it what you will: Blubbering, bawling, wailing, weeping — but bad breakups often require a good cry before you can move on. And the great balladeer Roy Orbison knew just that. He wrote Crying back in 1961 as a testament to a lost love he was having a hard time getting over, emotions made worse by seeing her again. Turn up this classic when you want to tear up — and draw inspiration from the fact that, just a few years later, he recorded the upbeat Pretty Woman.

Invisible Illness: When Others Can't See Your Pain

Life with a chronic condition like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome can be frustrating in many ways, including the fact that your physical pain isn't visible from the outside.

People who break their arm, throw out their back, or experience another form of injury may be in rough shape, but others can see their injury and understand their limitations.
But for the millions of people who are living with arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other forms of pain that are "invisible illnesses," explaining what's wrong is another side effect of their condition. Not only do you have to put up with challenging, often painful, and sometimes debilitating conditions every day, but on top of that, you may have to face skepticism from people — friends, family, and co-workers, as well as strangers — who don't understand what's wrong with you.
The Challenges of Invisible Illnesses
This was certainly the case for Allison Bigman, a 46-year-old New Yorker who has lived with chronic fatigue syndrome for more than 15 years. Her symptoms were so overwhelming at first that she had trouble managing them. Lack of understanding of the pain she was going through meant that she had to quit her job. Then, she noticed that many of her friends stopped calling or stopping by. "The disease changes you, and many people just don't understand it and can't handle seeing you that way," says Bigman.
The social isolation and challenges faced by Bigman are not unique among patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or similar health issues. These conditions can be difficult to prove, and workers' compensation and personal injury cases can become "expert versus expert," with no one winning. And patients frequently get a lack of sympathy from family members and doctors alike.
Unfortunately, doubt is not the only uphill battle that people with "invisible illnesses" like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and arthritis have to climb. Peter Bongiorno, ND, a naturopathic physician with InnerSource Health in New York City, says that they often have to fight simply to get access to handicap services or even help from their doctor. "Oftentimes doctors will recommend the patient visit a psychiatrist, their partners tell the patient to basically ‘learn to deal,' and bosses and co-workers view the patient as a chronic complainer," he says.
This lack of belief in the illness can affect people financially as well. "Some unscrupulous insurance companies use this medical confusion to avoid paying people the health and disability insurance benefits they paid for," says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and author of Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now. "This can leave people impoverished as well as crippled."
How to Cope With the Challenges of Invisible Illnesses
There are a few steps you can take to turn doubters into believers when facing the challenges of invisible illnesses like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, or other types of chronic pain.
Start with your doctor. The solution is quite simple, says Dr. Teitelbaum. "If you have to convince your physician you have a real disease, you are seeing the wrong physician. Holistic physicians or pain specialists belonging to the American Academy of Pain Management are more likely to be familiar with these conditions."
Next, try talking to your co-workers and loved ones. Bigman had success in explaining what was wrong with her by having the people in her life read up on the medical literature about her condition.
Another way to turn skeptics into believers, says Bigman, is to have a loved one attend a doctor's appointment with you. "Sometimes, if they can hear it from a doctor that you are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, that will help them accept and start to understand what's wrong with you," she says.
Bigman's attempts to make her family understand her chronic fatigue syndrome were successful. She now relies on the help of many friends and family members and is working closely with several doctors to manage her illness and recover from it. Still, she adds that even if your loved ones begin to understand your invisible illness a little better, they can never completely relate to what you are going through. That's why finding a support group of people with your same condition can be so helpful. Ask your doctor about support groups in your area or check online for more information.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Women’s safety is society’s moral onus

In response to ‘Minimum security in maximum city?’ (Speak Up, June 17)
There is no study that can be foolproof in concluding that a woman in a particular city is safer as compared to the one in any other Indian city or town. It all depends on various factors. Firstly, the data will not give a correct picture unless all the incidents of crime are duly reported.
Many go unreported because of the stigma attached to the victim. Secondly, the safety of a woman depends entirely on the outlook and the feelings of the opposite sex. A woman is safe so long as the man she is confronted with keeps up with his moral standard. A man’s upbringing and culture have a lot to do with the safety of a woman. Thirdly, insecurity is a state of mind and may therefore differ from woman to woman, depending upon the circumstances, as well as her confidence. It is her will power in tackling the situation that plays a crucial role.
Lastly, a crime against a woman could be prevented, provided she gets timely help from the people around. It therefore becomes the moral responsibility of the people to come to the rescue of the woman in distress. A woman’s security and safety largely rest on the society’s discipline and duty.
All cities in the country therefore, are equally safe or unsafe. As such, it will not be right to proclaim that Chennai is safer than Mumbai or Delhi is more unsafe than Bengaluru.

Ensuring women's safety in India's capital

Cities in India have become extremely unsafe for women. To create safer public spaces for women and to sensitise people, the Delhi Government launched the ‘Safe Delhi Campaign’, in association with UNIFEM, UN Habitat and Jagori in New Delhi yesterday.
New Delhi: In a bid to check the increasing tide of violence against women and girls in public places and address the lack of safety and security for women in the city, the Department of Women and Child Development, Delhi Government launched its ‘Safe Delhi for Women Initiativein collaboration with UNIFEM, Jagori and UN Habitat, at the Central Park, New Delhi yesterday.
Guests on the stage
Suneeta Dhar, Kalpana Vishwanath, Dr. Kiran Walia, Anne Stenhammer and guests on the dais/ Photo credit: Sanjay Kumar/ OWSA
Through the campaign, the Delhi government aims to work towards creating a city that is safe and accessible to women and other vulnerable groups. The stakeholders involved include the police, urban planners, service providers, transport authorities, community groups like resident welfare groups, and NGO’s.
Speaking about the actions planned by the Delhi government, Minister for Women and Child Development and Health and Family Welfare Dr Kiran Walia said: “We are taking a number of steps. We plan to set up CCTV cameras in buses. This is one place where women feel very unsafe, as a lot of eve teasing happens there. Similarly, parks and bus stops have to be well lit. And also it is very important to change the mindset of people.”
This initiative would also work with the Delhi Police to develop preventive measures and a quick and efficient response to the reported cases. Urban planning and design would have to incorporate gender as an element while designing more inclusive cities, said Rajiv Kale, Director, Department of Women and Child Development.
Consultations would be held with stakeholders in order to ensure the safety of women outside their homes, he said.
Through the Bhagidari programme, the involvement of Resident Welfare Associations and Market Trader Associations would be sought to address women’s safety in their areas, he added.
Safe Delhi
Working towards women's safety in Delhi/ Photo credit: Kushal Saini/ OWSA
The Gender Resource Centers (GRCs) of the Mission Convergence Programme, which already addresses women’s empowerment issues, will work with both boys and girls, in schools and in community-based groups, on issues of equality, respect and empowerment because these are essential if a city is to be safe for its women and girls, reads the press statement released by Jagori.
Anne Stenhammer, Regional Director, UNIFEM said: “We hope that together, we will be able to demonstrate a model to the rest of India and South Asia.”
UNIFEM and UN Habitat that have supported similar initiatives in other cities will provide technical support to the process for a long-standing problem in the capital city in a strategic and holistic manner.